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The Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of the EAEU proposed measures to reduce the risks of drug defects

Alexey Kedrin, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of the Eurasian Economic Union (APhPEAEU), came up with initiatives aimed at developing domestic pharmaceutical production in the short, medium and long term, as well as reducing the risk of drug defects:

In order to develop domestic pharmaceutical production, the association considers it important to start updating the draft Pharma-2030 strategy, to start formulating proposals for updating those strategic government initiatives that are focused on protecting the health of citizens and have calculated key indicators for 2024 and 2030. This will synchronize the efforts of society, government and industry in the medium and long term.

Creation of a transparent system for evaluating the effectiveness of the operational measures already taken by the government to support the pharmaceutical industry - literally on a weekly basis, in order to reduce the risks of drug defects in the near future. The Association proposes to introduce performance evaluation criteria and monitoring of the following measures taken:

  • simplification of the state registration of medicines to prevent the occurrence of defects (risk of defects);
  • speeding up the introduction of changes in the registration dossier to prevent the occurrence of defects (risk of defects);
  • simplification of re-registration of prices for vital and essential medicines to prevent the occurrence of defects (risk of defects);
  • implementation of the program of import substitution of standard samples of active pharmaceutical ingredients and impurities;
  • providing backbone enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry with bank guarantees with a preferential commission rate (for enterprises - 1%, compensation to banks - up to 2%);
  • subsidizing lending rates for strategic enterprises in order to obtain preferential loans (for up to 12 months at 11% per annum) to replenish working capital.

“Thanks to operational monitoring, we will be able to track in time which measures are ineffective and why, correct the decisions made, reducing the risks of drug defects,” stressed Aleksey Kedrin, Chairman of the Board of the EAEU Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.

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